PAST CONTESTS: Vermont in 2050


Illustrative painting showing a bright world and a dark world

PAST CONTESTS: Vermont in 2050

Call to Writers: What will Vermont be like in 2050? Share your vision, hopes, dreams, and/or fears about Vermont's future – for publication in an upcoming book and a $100 award for approved submissions. 
[Illustration: "The Worlds We're Stuck Between," by Goldenrose, YWP]

Jane Smith, a book editor in Burlington, VT, is asking YWP writers to join more than 25 other Vermonters of all ages who are giving their forecast for the state's future. What would an ideal Vermont look like? What should adults be doing now to make your ideal a reality? The title and date of publication of the book are to be determined, but the deadline for submissions is coming soon! Submit by May 15!
Contest Details:
  • Prose or poetry
  • Must be original and not published elsewhere
  • 500 to 1,000 words
  • No limit to number of submissions from one writer
  • Can be serious or light-hearted. Humor is welcome, but not required.
  • $100 award for approved submissions; writers' bylines and bios will be included in the book
  • Must be resident of Vermont


  • Vermont's World Tree

    I’ve seen a million sunsets and sunrises, yet each day still dawns with new surprises. As the sun peaks its golden rays over the green mountains, Vermont’s future stretches out with new horizons.
