


13 years old


  • The Unlikeliest Duo


    With long brown hair

    Golden when caught by the sun

    A smile that goes miles

    That lights up the stage when she performs


    With curly black hair


    Brown eyes

    Hard to reach

  • Yin and Yang

    And then there were two, 

    Sitting on a bench by the bus stop.



    Two kids - teenagers - then young adults.

    On different sides of the same story.

    One representing tails

  • Growing Pains

    Growing up isn't something you enjoy

    Unless you're, like,


    And the world is still golden,

    And you can't see

    The hourglass

    And the grains of sand



  • Textures

    I don't know

    If I'm the only one who has these things

    But I figured I'll write about it anyway;

    After all, the whole point of writing

    Is to share

    Your life

    Your story

    Your perspective


  • Missing You

    Missing someone is a funny thing, so simple a concept yet so complex in its effects.

    For me, missing you is listening to your favorite music because you are not there to play it.

  • anticipation

    i remember my first day of middle school

    i was wearing washed-out jeans and a t-shirt from Target

    my short brown hair was parted to the side

  • Purple

    If purple is the hardest color
    For the eye to see
    Then maybe all us purple-lovers
    Are seers to the fairylands
    Where dawn spirits sing
    And poet bells ring
    Harbingers of the night
    To our awaiting ears.

  • Cross Roads

    Our roads cross,

    fate set in the stars.

    When will our roads split?

    Love written in the sea,

    wind dancing with the storm.

    Clinging to hope like moss,

    We didn’t see what was ours.

  • Teardrops fall

    teardrops fall

    down my face

    eye's burning

    i don't know why

    i am always angry

    always scared

    maybe that's who i have become

    teardrops fall

    i try to wipe them away

    before you notice