Now is a tree,
a place that is made of history.
Feel with your fingers
for lines etched in the bark,
the future is there
stretching through the dark.
Maybe this map
we’ve drawn for ourselves
has become misleading,
crafted in a past
so different that
it’s become demeaning.
This world
that is within us,
the one that
is the epitome
of our dreams,
it is vibrant.
All that is fading
lives on in our words,
in our hopes,
in our faith of it thriving.
Now is a tree,
but the future
could be a forest.
These hopes, we can plant them,
our ideas, the seeds
in this garden
we must weed them.
For all that we forget,
we re-create.
For all that we’ve left,
we remember.
For all of us, we walk.
Even if the horizon,
is still a line,
concealed by the dark.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Vermont in 2050.
"Now is a tree, but the future could be a forest." Inspiring words -- they seem to represent a broad and expanding sense of inclusivity that I too like to think is a part of what makes Vermont, Vermont! I also love the lines about weeding the garden, and walking forward toward a new horizon... Your words are never tangled up with twisty or confusing turns of phrase or analogies, and are instead very straightforward in their metaphors and messages. It speaks to the strength of your writing!
Thank you!
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