PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing


Illustration of two side of a face, one in colors, one in b/w

PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing

What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025? Due: Feb.28, 2025

["Two Worlds" by Marah Cain, YWP Archive]

THE CHALLENGE: In the genre of your choice, write about what it means to be a teenager in America in 2025. Responses can be literal or metaphoric, fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose. Take the challenge wherever you like. You might consider the following questions, but don't limit yourself to them. How would you describe the daily life of a teenager, yourself or a fictional character? When and where do you most feel like your true self? What brings you joy? Where do you find inspiration? What is your greatest challenge and how will you address it? What keeps you awake at night? What do you hope for – for yourself, your country, your planet? What message so you want adults to hear?


  • Open to teens, 13-19, who have a YWP account. (It's free to join!)
  • ​Must be original work and not published elsewhere. No AI.
  • No limit to number of submissions
  • Prizes: Six cash prizes ($50 each) in two categories: writing and visual art
  • Prize winners and honorable mentions will be published in the March issue of The Voice.
  • Contest deadline: Feb. 28, 2025

Questions? Contact Susan Reid, YWP Executive Director: Reid@YWP on the site, or by email:

Go to the Visual Art Contest


  • Generation Undecided

    Maybe we're the ones

    who grew up on our iPads then

    our phones,

    the ones who teach our teachers

    how to use their screens

    the ones

    who know each other's lives through filters

    and think we know each other

  • Clinging To Sunshine

    I’ve kept every card I’ve ever received 

    For as long as I can remember

    People fade in and out of your life

    Eventually lost in the past, forgotten

    I read their letters after sunset

  • Too much

    I am 13

    I am in 7th grade.

    I like school. Most of the time.

    I am quite good at school.

    I'm in all the advanced classes offered. 3 years ahead in Math, 3 years ahead in my English vocab, and on the hardest History track.

  • I’m sorry

    I’m sorry that I wasn’t the rings to your Saturn,

    because Saturn had cracked into two;

    I’m sorry that I slipped salt into your sugar,

    yet your sugar was bitter, I cried too.

    I’m sorry that you never learned to care,

  • Teenager Pandemic

    Irritation bubbles and boils and brews, 
    bakes into the stomach lining, 
    infects the red flesh with greenish hues

    it works its way up and up, 
    malady clambering, climbing 
    toward the beating hub

  • Growing Older

    Getting up, growing older 

    younger days just blew right over 

    gone in a flash, knowing I'll never gain them back 

    now I'm always in a dash 

    running from class to class 

  • Growing Up

    When I was born I was promised the world 
    But I was born into a world 
    Where my parents grew up to only survive 
    Where family to my mom was merely blood 
    But to my father was more than life 

  • Poetry

    By Dog

    Wishes and Hopes

    I do not wish to turn back time. I don't wish to go back to when I was a kid and things were simple, chasing bugs, enjoying dirt, and playing with beyblades.