This is not America. This is hell.
The school board tells us lies
Promising that they understand
Yet they don’t know
What it’s like
To live in a world
Where you are seen yet never understood
I write for the broken
I would never admit it, but
I’m broken. I have lived through a hell you only see in your nightmares. I was born into a world of agony and have stayed silent on the darkest of nights.
There are many moments
Where I don’t feel
Of the attention
Today I’m reminding myself
Of how far I’ve come,
All the years I’ve spent
Living in pain
Clinging To Sunshine
I’ve kept every card I’ve ever received
For as long as I can remember
People fade in and out of your life
Eventually lost in the past, forgotten
I read their letters after sunset
"Why didn't you ask for help?"
“Why didn’t you ask for help?”
When I didn’t write for weeks
I was asking for help
When I stopped smiling
When I stopped laughing
When happiness became fake
Accepting the Truth
The hardest part
Noticing the signs
Hoping they won’t notice the way they hurt you
Knowing they don’t care
Leaving first
Telling yourself to move on
I Have A Voice
The erosion of rights towards marginalized groups feels like a personal attack on the values of equality, fairness, and justice that have importance to me.
Young Love
“Look at her,”
There was a lovestruck girl obsessively drawing hearts on her note card
“look at past you.”
Sincere love flowed from her fingertips.
She believed she was loved.
“Do you think she's dumb?”
They are all the same
You left dead flowers at my grave,
as if they were all the same.
Most leave bouquets,
even though they will slowly die,
just like me til I made it to the afterlife.
[Alone in] Laughter, lamenting the lost light,
you don’t want to be the forgotten, the lost cause, the missed flight.
Reason runs thin when your sadness is bountiful,
I miss the days
When we would run through the fields
And swim in the pond all day
Smiling and using kayaks
I miss the nights
Silent Warriors - Like Us
“Your grades don’t matter,” they say. But when you get a B, they yell at you.
“You’re so healthy,” they say. But when you touch one potato chip, you need to stop eating so much.