i'm just a kid.

' you're just a kid, you don't understand. '


i do understand,

i understand very clearly.

i'll never know who to choose to be my friends,

i can't see into their soul and see if they'd do me wrongly.


i'll never know if life ever gets better,

they say it does,

but how will it if i don't understand anything?

i'm just a kid, right?


i look at the stars at night,

dreaming and hoping that there is something more to this horrible world.

something that i can yearn for,

like sweet hot chocolate on a winter day,

or hanging out with you after we became friends again.


i watch the teacher with dark eyes as she paces back in fourth,

going on and on about politics and how it should be different.

i look at the clock,

8 minutes until lunch.

i'll call my mom and go home,

and i'll sit in bed on my phone,

i'll write a story,

or i'll draw something in my sketchbook.

maybe journal.

i would rather be alone at home than be here,

anywhere but here.


i understand that i'll never be perfect,

no one really is.


i understand i do not know everything.

no one really knows 'everything'.


i understand that i am just a kid,

everyone has been,

some day i'll grow old,

i'll have a kid or two,

i'll have a job and i'll always smell like lavender.


' you're just a kid, you don't understand. '


i am just a kid,

but i understand a lot.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing.



13 years old

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