PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing


Illustration of two side of a face, one in colors, one in b/w

PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing

What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025? Due: Feb.28, 2025

["Two Worlds" by Marah Cain, YWP Archive]

THE CHALLENGE: In the genre of your choice, write about what it means to be a teenager in America in 2025. Responses can be literal or metaphoric, fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose. Take the challenge wherever you like. You might consider the following questions, but don't limit yourself to them. How would you describe the daily life of a teenager, yourself or a fictional character? When and where do you most feel like your true self? What brings you joy? Where do you find inspiration? What is your greatest challenge and how will you address it? What keeps you awake at night? What do you hope for – for yourself, your country, your planet? What message so you want adults to hear?


  • Open to teens, 13-19, who have a YWP account. (It's free to join!)
  • ​Must be original work and not published elsewhere. No AI.
  • No limit to number of submissions
  • Prizes: Six cash prizes ($50 each) in two categories: writing and visual art
  • Prize winners and honorable mentions will be published in the March issue of The Voice.
  • Contest deadline: Feb. 28, 2025

Questions? Contact Susan Reid, YWP Executive Director: Reid@YWP on the site, or by email:

Go to the Visual Art Contest


  • Parenting Lessons

    always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger

    never have your wallet visible

    don't listen to music in public

    everyone's a stranger

    you're our child; don't scare us.

  • Longing to be younger

    Catching fireflies

    In my palms

    Catching snowflakes

    On my tongue

    Throwing wishes

    To the sky

    On the wings

    Of dandelions


    With my head

    In the clouds

    Begging to stay

  • Just Like Us

    They're obsessed with social media and two-second dating

    we talk about climate change and ski racing

    they'll talk about what they're supposed to

    we'll talk about the world's problems and what to do

  • I Promise You

    I promise you I care

    This I know for sure.

    I promise you I’m here

    Just maybe not to stay.

    I promise you I’m fine

    Just in my own way.

    I promise you I’m trying

    I swear I always have been.

  • Teenager

    I am a teenager

    My life is not simple

    I am traumatized and scarred

    And doing my best

    But it seems like adults can’t see this

    All they see is an anxious little girl

    Who doesn’t seem to care

  • Poetry

    By A.R

    Silent Thoughts

    To be chosen. 

    That's all I wish for—to be someone's first choice. 

    I watch from afar, lost in a sea of the bittersweet feeling 

    As others are always chosen first, but never me, 

  • the pin

    i roll off from the table

    landing in a box filled with hay

    finally, i think

    i’ve found my rightful place

    then i look around

    the strings of hay

    entangling themselves 

    i bend myself to fit them

  • relentless

    a dream, swirling in my tired mind, a sequence of letters makes a word.

    my brain aches, an onslaught of countless words and numbers.

    Get up, grasp the dream, make it out.

    Get up, identify it!

    Get up!

    Get up!

  • Teenhood

    There should be a word

    For ages thirteen through seventeen.

    There should be a word

    Like childhood or adulthood

    That describes

    Being a teenager.

    Adolescence is one, yes

    But it doesn't fit.