Voice With a Hand, Hand With a Heart

I look at my teenage years

I see the pain, I see my fears

I’m still young but I desire that faith

I believe and know I’ll be ok

I fell in a pit

A hole so deep

I couldn’t save me using my wit

I tried to run, tried to leap


Just when you feel like giving up

When you realize you’ll never be enough

You can’t make it by yourself

But here’s where it comes

Here comes the help

You need a miracle worker

You can tell now

You need more than the world can give

You need to bow

You might do nice things

Your teacher says you’ve spread your wings

But there’s still something missing

No matter what you try

You hear a voice and listen

It holds true on its promises

It never lies

He loves you

Whoever you are

Yes you, this message is for you

The world may let you down

You may stumble and fall to the ground

But that glorious voice has a hand

To pick you up when you have a hard land

The voice has a heart

A heart that never lets you down

A heart that feels your pain

Even when you think you’ll drown

He’s still near

To pick you up and love you here

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing.



15 years old

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