There should be a word
For ages thirteen through seventeen.
There should be a word
Like childhood or adulthood
That describes
Being a teenager.
Adolescence is one, yes
But it doesn't fit.
Childhood, teenhood, adulthood.
This is an ode to that.
I feel most like myself
In this weird pocket of time
When I am spelling
Or playing
Or practicing
Or studying.
Through everything
Words have not abandoned me.
In teenhood
I won the spelling bee
I made friends
I had fun
I got good grades.
In adolescence I misspelled
I flunked
I screwed up.
Adolescence does not sound fun
And it isn't
But teenhood sounds more like something you could
I feel most like myself when I'm practicing with my friend
When we're learning
Forming to fit into each other's personalities.
I feel most like myself
With them
And with my instrument
And pen
In hand.
Teenhood is those things
Adolescence is not.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing.
When I first began reading, I thought "like adolescence?" and then you surprised me. The word "teenhood" sounds more pleasant. It is true that "adolescence" has a negative connotation to it. Keep up the good work :)
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