


13 years old


  • Response to Chase

    The little leaf bounces in front of me

    Taunting me

    With its little golden amber color

    Leading me


    Far away

    Like an escape

    Like magic

    For a while it's just me

    And the leaf

  • Summer Short Stories

    Author's Note: Hi everyone! My goal is to be posting these short stories every week(ish) over the summer for your entertainment, if you want a fun series of stories to keep you occupied - I know summer can be a bit boring, at least for me.

  • Bias Impact

    Bias can transform

    An ordinary opinion

    To one that favors in the defense of another.

    Bias can change

    How groups of people may feel

    If it is directed towards or against them.

    Bias is a weapon

  • A Day in the Life of a Queen

    My kingdom sparkles with glittering blades of grass, the dew wet but not too soggy.
    Huts and cottages are visible from all directions;
    From my balcony, I can see all.
    But I didn't ask
    For this role
    As queen of the Jewel Shores.