

That word is used so easily nowadays

To describe your literacy partner who didn't do all the work

That girl who you see EVERWHERE

Even at the grocery store

Who always seems to beat you at everything

And that kid

In your Spanish class

Who called you "kacke" but only knew what it meant because he used Google Translate, which is never accurate

Which isn't even Spanish

It's German

And who

You hated forever

Because he called you "poop" in German in Spanish class.

And, of course,

Your sibling

Is also your "enemy"

But in air quotes

Because you don't actually hate your sibling

Even though you kind of do.


In my opinion

There's no such thing as "enemy"

Because everyone


Has their side of the story

You just might not want to hear it



Which is okay.

They might seem evil




The Worst with a capital W

But maybe

You just aren't looking at the situation

From their perspective.

And, I mean,

I could be totally wrong.

Maybe they are evil.

Maybe they truly are your "enemy."

But think about this.

In order to hate someone

You have to care

Which means 

You "love"

The person you "hate"

And they are your "enemy"

Only because

They are so similar to you

And you feel

Like you have to compete with them

Over everything.

Everyone is worthy of empathy

Once anger

And petty Uno Reverse combacks

Are put aside.


Posted in response to the challenge Enemy.



13 years old

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  • Yin and Yang

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