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Taint of red
It comes like clockwork
Tainting my life in red
Searing pain
Heavy thoughts
Crushing my heart
And yet
I go to school
I get good grades
I do my sports
With the taint of red
We Were Meant To Be Broken
Blood is never beautiful
Yet we were made to bleed
Hearts were meant for breaking
Eyes were made for crying
Hands were made for hurting
We were meant to break
I really hope she wins
I knew this was coming
I knew he would run again
Every four years
And yet it still comes
With a shock
Then she stepped in
Giving me hope
Calling him out
You are not alone
Are you the friend that never gets heard when there's a group conversation?
Are you the friend that when there's not enough room in the hall or on the sidewalk you go behind everyone?
The beauty of life
We all live different lives
We all feel different feelings
"What's wrong with being different?"
That is the question I ask myself every day
Yet I still don't know the answer
Media Effect
Sometimes I don’t understand why
We all try so hard
To be something we are not
So much so