Being a Poet
Being a poet
I think to be a poet means
To be one to bleed out
On lined paper
And express the hurt
you must feel.
I see stars
shining in the night sky
and a soul.
I miss you  
Media Effect
Sometimes I don’t understand why
We all try so hard
To be something we are not
So much so
Teenage Delirium (The Dictionary)
B –
Blades (noun pl.)
Through Glances at the Sun
Poetry has a silent power
In the way that poets
don’t need words to communicate
With one another;
We simply see a wildflower
lunch table thoughts.
i sit at the lunch table with my few friends,
i have so many thoughts at this time,
i am silent.
i need new friends.
i think.
new friends that don't treat me like i'm dirt.
She knows how intense she can be,
She knows she’s dramatic and overshares sometimes.
She knows she is holding herself back,
And she knows she can be happier.
Footprints - Haiku
The fresh snow glistens.
Animal prints and sneakers.
Who has walked through here?
the broken record
I tried slamming the door,
Staying quiet, listening, keeping myself locked up,
Pretending it wasn’t real,