Sometimes I worry that I will get treated differently because of my differences.
I know that it probably won't happen in school with teachers
but you can't stop kids from doing anything
not in middle school
A river of tears
Every day when we stand for the pledge I feel like a curtain has fallen over me.
holding me down.
I remember who is president for the next four years.
And I want to cry.
I want to sit down and cry a river of tears.
In the gym
Three others are with me
I say:
“I will try to touch the rim!”
“Alright!” Shouts one of the kids with me
I am forever chained to technology.
Everyday I put on technology that will allow me to hear “normally.”
I will always have to put something in my ear to hear at human standards.
I Wonder
I wonder every day:
Do you like me?
You look at me sometimes.
I wonder what it could mean.
I wonder if I feel to you what you feel to me.
It’s something that all of us have done
At some point or another.
Yet it is a sign of weakness!?
And I say that is false.
I say that it should be a sign of strength.
This is not America. This is hell.
The school board tells us lies
Promising that they understand
Yet they don’t know
What it’s like
To live in a world
Where you are seen yet never understood
Silent Warriors - Like Us
“Your grades don’t matter,” they say. But when you get a B, they yell at you.
“You’re so healthy,” they say. But when you touch one potato chip, you need to stop eating so much.
Time Slip
My leisure was over
quicker than expected.
Now I'm back to doing homework
but keep getting distracted.
Another glance at the clock
Another 30 minutes gone. -
Thank you for everything
Thank you for the warmth of the sun against my skin in summer.
Thank you for the leaves that fall in autumn.
Thank you for the fluffy snow that covers the ground in winter.
Thank you for the flowers that bloom in spring.
I keep wondering if something is wrong with me,
Because I can’t seem to understand.
And I don’t want to be the person that only writes about crushes and drama,
I’m not shallow don’t worry.
Yet here I am,