Alone But Not Lonely
A tundra desert stretches as far as the eye can see:
far away, one might glimpse
a wandering soula little fox,
fur white as the snow
eyes blue as the coldest mountain creek -
We're coming up on the end of the year
and a new horizon soars closer every day.I don't want to leave this place,
yet every day I long to be gone. -
cold water
the splash of a mountain creek,
my feet in a wild stream,
hiking in the hills,
swimming under waterfalls.old brooks
summer days
cold water.
If you could become an animal - Writing challenge
If you could become an animal what animal would it be? Would you retain your human mind? Write about a day in the body of an animal.
Summer things
Summer, here at last.
Long days, sunlight,
Mosquito bites and beaver dams.Maple creemees, flower gardens,
camping and swimming, under the summer sun. -
Summertime: Long days, bright sun,
the smell of sunscreen and bug spray
and clouds of mosquitoes
while we're hiking in the trees.And then!
The Mirror
A wall of reflections
I see you,
as you berate yourself,
day in
and day out,
about your imperfections.
Watch The Ghost Flower
"Some say the world will end in fire." Robert Frost's line echoes in my head, quickening my heartbeat and breaths, as if I should just give up and succumb to the soils surrounding us.
If I remember you
I can't. But if I were to, I'd think of that old snowy hill beyond the library, the one where paths were cut into its snow by our sled. That one hill-- you know? The one bare and eerie this winter, with no sleds to pierce it. . .
Dear Citizens of the World
Dear Citizens of the World, there are so many issues, every direction you look, every person you talk to, they have their issue, animal abuse or cancer or fair treatment of farm workers.
My Road
I live on Garey Road in Thetford, Vermont. It's a dirt road, and it has a dead end, which isn't too common around here. The road has another road coming off of it called Apple Tree Road, which is also dirt, and also a dead end.