Special Issue: Teenager Contest
What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025?
What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025?
Congratulations to our four winners of the Pop Up Color Contest and thank you to everyone who took time out in busy December to look for sources of light in the darkest month of the year.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Autumn '24 Writing and Art Contest!
If you could become an animal what animal would it be? Would you retain your human mind? Write about a day in the body of an animal.
Congratulations to the winners of our Spring 2024 Writing and Art Contest!
At Young Writers Project, we are committed to being accessible to any teen writer or artist who wants to join us. We have upgraded our website to improve our accessibility so that everyone feels welcome and comfortable here.
Congratulations, to our award-winning artists!