On September 18th, 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. One of the three women on the Supreme Court, she fought for Women's Rights. In memory of her, I found 9 of her quotes that may ring true for all of us.
Culture is collective accomplishments made within the confines of laws and traditions. These rules are essential, without them we would have no frame for interpretation.
My bucket list does not exist but if there was anything I could do before I die is go to Thailand and eat real Thai food. I love to travel and over the years I have been to many different Thai restaurants. I would only go to have real Thai food.
What’s on my bucket list? Well, I wouldn't say there is a lot in my bucket list but one thing in my bucket list is to go on a roadtrip to all of the other 49 states in one year. Why may you ask?
I grew up in the worlds of Narnia, Middle Earth, Hogwarts, and Prydain. I knew the mythologies of these imaginary universes better than those of my own reality.
Ever since I was little my family always brought me on hikes and outdoor excursions. I haven't always enjoyed walking for hours just to go sit on a pile of rocks and look at some views but as i've grown I have learned to enjoy it alot
I've had a lot of free time because I finish school in about thirty minutes and then have a good five hours of nothing to do! I thought I'd list the things I do to have fun!
Yesterday I started school, remotely. It was different having to go online and not be in school seeing everybody. I'm used to walking in seeing all my old teachers, new teachers and my friends. This year is going to be much different.