Letter of Gratitude

Dear Reader, 

If you are reading this it means that I’m truly grateful for you or what you have done for me. This is not a sentimental thing that I’m writing because I’m not that type of person but you can take it however you would like. 

First, all I can say is thank you. I don’t say that enough to you and honestly, that's just the way I am. I would like for you to know that I’m so happy that you are a part of my life and every day.  You make it better. Without you I have no idea where I would be, meaning that you make me a better person without even knowing. Every day I see what you do and I want to do the same. I have always had a love for sports and when we play together and I see what you do I learn from you and I strive to be just as good as you. I don’t just learn from you on the field or the court.  I think the area that you push me the most, without knowing, is academics. I may not say it, but when I feel like giving up I know that it’s something you would do so I push myself even more.

Now I’m not just grateful because you push me and make me the best I can be.  Over the years we have spent a lot of time together and made many memories together. I still remember the first time we hung out. I remember every little thing that happened on that trip and to this day I still laugh when I think about it. I hope that we can still spend time together in years to come. I can’t wait to go skiing this winter and the many adventures we are going to go on before the year is over. 

So to the reader of this letter, you will know if it was meant for you or not, but thank you. Thank you for pushing me in everything that I do even though you probably don’t know that you are. Most of all, thank you for all of the amazing memories. I hope there are more to come.

Thank You,

Hazel C. Fahey



18 years old

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