Forever Grateful

There are so many things in my life that I am grateful for. Place to live, food, family, and friends are just a few things that I am grateful for. The thing that I am most grateful for would probably be my friends, they have always been there for me. Ever since elementary school they have made me laugh until I pee my pants. They make me smile when I am sad. Help me when I need it. Not every friendship starts out on the right foot. First I hated her and now she is one of my best friends. Other friendships start out great from the first day and are bonded over matching socks. We might have not started out as friends but now they know me more than I know myself. This is for them. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being the best friends I have ever had and making the last eight years of my life special, I can’t wait to see what happens in the future.   




18 years old

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