My One Scar

Most people have multiple scars. On the other hand I only have one scar. 

The summer before 6th grade I went back-to-school shopping. I got these pants that were black and white and really flowy. When I got back from shopping I put the pants on and in regular “mom fashion” my mom said, “Don't wear those yet! You are going to ruin them.” Well, I thought that she was wrong. 

That night I was still wearing the pants and I wanted to watch a John Wayne movie. My mom told me I had to ride my bike in order to watch the movie. So my sister and I went for a bike ride up the road. I was messing around on the bike, going around a blind corner on my road, and crashed my bike. My shoe came off and I almost got hit by a truck. I got up and walked back to my house. My neighbor was outside and my mom was having  a conversation with him. She said something about the fact that I had ruined the pants. I immediately started to cry, not noticing that I had ripped the pants and my knee was gushing blood. 

My mom couldn't stop the bleeding so we had to go to the ER. I was not happy when I was younger. I hated the hospital. On the way to the hospital I called my dad because at the time he was with his cousin. When my mom and I were in the ER room we turned the TV on and there was the John Wayne movie. When we got home my sister had fixed the pants. But to this day I still have the scar on my right knee. The only thing that I learned from this experience is don’t mess around on your bike. Also maybe to listen to your mom every once in a while.




18 years old

More by hfahey11

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