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"Annie" is this week's featured poem on, up now in their Life & Culture section. Y'all can check it out now, here!

Annie 11 months ago

What descriptive personification! I could so easily picture Winter here as a frozen beauty of a woman, sparkling as snow does in the sunlight. 

First Snow 11 months ago

Thank you!

Second Amendment 11 months ago

elise.writer, your writing is anything but laughable! The note you ended this on, that's the right conclusion: The thing to do is carry on living -- and carry on writing! Your poetry warms our hearts, and we only wish we still published a weekly page in the Burlington Free Press. I'm sorry that opportunity is no longer available. But I love seeing that today, you wrote a poem.

a year ago today, i wrote a poem, 11 months ago

The wavy line of that shadow running through the architectural lines of this piece makes for such an eye treat! And that little person with their little bowl of food is the perfect injection of humanity and humor into an image that is stark (in the best way!) in its contrast and precision. 

Defenestration 11 months ago

Very funny! That last line works as a note of sarcasm in the world of clocks, too, and a quippy way to end the piece (it took me a second to realize you were responding to the Timeless challenge)!

When There Is No Sun 11 months ago

Sounds like you learned something important from this, so don't hold it against yourself too much! For what it's worth, I think every one of us has made this exact mistake, and lived to regret it just a little bit: Not being a part of the welcoming committee for a new classmate or coworker, that is, which can feel especially shameful when you discover they're a real upstanding human or could even be your next best friend. I'm so happy for you that you and this newbie eventually became close!

"New" 11 months ago

Wow, this level of detail is just incredible! So intricate. I can only imagine how long this must have taken you, each stroke of the pen to shade this out. Although the coloring and the shadows are on the darker side, there is something always beautiful about a barn in the countryside, and when it's depicted like this, all the more so. 

33 Degrees 11 months ago

For me, i'll either do a line from the poem that sums up the whole vibe or essence, or I pick a random line that sounds profound haha

Tiny Write by shortslothstories, November 12 2023 11 months ago

Thank you! I’ll definitely try that! I think my problem may be because of school and the trimester almost ending but over break I’ll definitely try to take your advice and ‘force’ myself to write! 

Tiny Write by Writer1326, November 11 2023 11 months ago