


13 years old


  • Dreaming


    To me

    Is a space where you float

    Where you soar

    Where you fly.

    There are no limits.

    It's not the future

    But sometimes the past.

    They don't define you.

    They free you.

  • Symphony

    Band is something I don't know how to put into words

    It's a medley

    It's chaos

    Of all the different instruments piled together

    But it sounds amazing

    When we come together

    And really HEAR

    And FEEL

  • "Enemy"


    That word is used so easily nowadays

    To describe your literacy partner who didn't do all the work

    That girl who you see EVERWHERE

    Even at the grocery store

    Who always seems to beat you at everything

  • Universe(s)

    Frankly, the multiverse and space and galaxies freak me out.

    But in a good way.

    I think it's fascinating, but the category is just so huge and so impossible to compute.

    It's crazy.

  • That Feeling

    There's that feeling

    Like nostalgia, but different

    Like change

    Like something I don't want

    Or need

    Or know what to do with

    But at the same time

    I'm excited for it

  • Autumn or Fall?

    Autumn or fall?

    It depends on how you look at it;

    For some, it is used interchangeably.

    For others, "fall", simply because it is easier to spell and quicker to say

    But also

    Because it is, after all,
