I don't know
If I'm the only one who has these things
But I figured I'll write about it anyway;
After all, the whole point of writing
Is to share
Your life
Your story
Your perspective
And to be open.
When I close my eyes sometimes
There are textures.
Weird textures.
I can't really describe them.
Like when I'm trying to sleep
And they creep in
These cringey textures
Is all I can think to describe them
Because they are too hard
Too soft
Too round
Too sharp
Too squishy
Too big
Too small
Too uncomfortable
And too comfortable
All at the same time
And they come in my brain
And I'm not actually feeling them
But it feels like I am
And the textures
Are there
More often then not.
It's not a seizure or anything
Nothing to be concerned about
It's just
Like dreams
Like those inexplicable things
You can't explain
And don't care enough about
To look up
And research.
I guess I just think
That everything
The small things
The annoying things
The broken things
Deserves to be written about
Given a perspective.
So I chose
Of all the things in the world
To write
About these textures
That exist
In my head.
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