


12 years old



  • Books

    I open it, 

    Relishing the new-book scent, 


    I can forget again. 


    Take me away 

    To foreign lands 

    Where peace can be found 

  • Moderation

    To live is to die

    To laugh is to know what it feels like to cry

    To try is to fail

    To have friends is to have enemies as well

    The good does not stand alone

    But neither does bad

    There is no ying without yang

  • today

    today is yesterday’s tomorrow

    full of promises that linger as the sun emerges,

    a warm breeze colliding against

    the soft pillowy fabric of your curtains.

    today is yesterday’s tomorrow

  • day one

    wiping tears away from swollen eyes

    yet still they leaked through

    a waterfall of pain dripping onto the ground

    drip drip drip

    day two

    tossing, turning, crying in bed

    hugging knees tight to chest

  • The Mirror Lies

    You look into the mirror


    By what you see

    All the flaws stand out like red flags

    As you criticize your body

    Despising every imperfection