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  • Change

    Change can be scary,

    but it must be achieved.

    Determination is the best tool

    to change how we live.

    If you are afraid to change,

    that's okay.

    Change isn't easy,

    but it must be done.

  • Trust

    I am blindfolded.

    I cannot see.

    She leads me through the woods.

    Holding my hands and walking backwards.

    I smile and laugh, feeling free.

    She stops, and so do I.

    What is it? I ask her.

  • encaged

    the water, like a glass between-
    the other world, and me

    here i am, in this imprisonment-
    the rivers, bars of my cage

    i swim-
    but never can i break the surface.

    what deed have i done-
    to deserve such a punishment?