A Celestial Affair

I have never quite been 

Just as confused

Than on that quiet and sad afternoon

As I lay on the ground

And watched joy abound

As the sun danced around with the moon


Although it was day

It wasn't hard to say

That something was not quite right

The moon, as it twirled

Gave me a whirl

When I realized it wasn't yet night!


As I watched the blue sky

And offered to try

To relay some new information

The moon, it cried

The sun nearly died

When I asked why they'd left their station


'You see' the sun said

Bristling at me

'The space between us has some distance'

And not being able 

To see my lover each day

'Is quite the dreary existence'


The moon, though embarrassed

Showed me the rarest

Small and shy little smile

'Yes,' she cried

Tears nearly dried

'It's true, it has been a while'


'Well, that's no excuse!'

I said with a start

You have jobs up there, don't you see?

I suggest you go back

To your spacesuits and pack

So you can finish your work just like me


The sun grew dimmer

The moon lost its glimmer

When they both realized I was right

The moon cried some more

As it sank through the floor

And waited for it to be night


And though I was proud

For saying aloud

The disquieting thoughts that had plagued me

I just couldn't shake

That thought in my wake

That revenge would soon come to forsake me


Sure enough, that night

It gave me a fright

When I finally laid on my back

As I saw through the curtain

Looking mad, but uncertain

And found the moon staring right back 


You've ruined my day

And now you're away

Sleeping there in your cozy little bed

Well now I'm up here

Without my poor dear

And now I'd rather be dead


So now to repair

My fragile affair

I'll make sure you know how I feel

So now every love

You meet up above

Will end in a terrible ordeal


And it was quite true

At the time I knew

Nothing would be quite the same

For from then on

Every date I went on

Would end with me fleeing in shame


I bet you'd wonder

Which type of blunder

Would end with me running like so

But the girl would reel

As the night would reveal

Secrets that only the moon knows


He snores when he sleeps!

He hardly ever sweeps!

And his manners are sorely lacking

His mother is too proud

His talking is too loud

Beaten only by the noise of his snacking!


So use your brain

Prevent and refrain

And I'm sure you have more potential 

To never repeat

My dangerous feat

And never dissuade the celestial!


Posted in response to the challenge Lunar.



17 years old

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