
  • Treehouse

    Six hours and 31 minutes away from where I live is the Virginia Creeper Trail. A couple miles into the trail from the Tenessee side, there is a tree with a house built on it. A treehouse.
  • Lyceum Address

    "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic giant to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never.

  • Revelation

    During the last two days, I was making a slideshow of pictures for my dad’s birthday present.  It was about six minutes long and had music in the background.  I have a very large family, so we are never all together or in the same place.&nb
  • A Blip

    When I was about eight years old, I started to hold onto almost every little broken electronic thing in my house. I saved everything from bug zappers to remote control cars. As long as it was broken and used electricity, I saved it.
  • Don't Tell Me

    Don't Tell Me...

    Everyone is beautiful when the models on the billboards and posters are 60 pounds lighter than I am and blonder and skinnier than I will ever be. 
  • Soda Bottles

    Old soda bottles! When I was about 10 or 11 I was participating in a Greenup day cleanup in my town and while I was exploring through the woods I found an old Coca Cola bottle that looked straight out of a 1950s movie.
  • Factory Mistakes

    Factory mistakes are something that I love, especially the “Red Bird Southern Refresh Mints” mistakes. They often come in a container and are individually wrapped. I find them often at restaurants as one goes out the door.
  • The Lake

    Beginning to a warm summer night, my friends and I climbed to the bow of the small speedboat. 

    It was time to go tubing, one of my favorite activities at camp.