I want to build you a castle, even though I can barely use a screw driver.
I want to write you a song, one that would make you think of me on a whole new level,
One you could listen to when we're apart. -
Promise, Someday
Someday we will hug and kiss like its no big deal,
Wrap our arms around each other and walk down the street.
Someday I’ll have a special name, that only you call me,
Something that makes me smile, -
Always something
It's always got to be something.
That one thing that takes the wind out from under your wings making you tremble,
and fall.
And it's always the something you generally expect,
But hoped wouldn't happen. -
The Rules of High School
I thought it would be different for me, I thought I could be stronger.
No, I'm just like everyone else, and we all say high school sucks.
Rule number one: You are freshman, you must move out of peoples way, do no expect them to move. -
When you turn off the light
That moment when you reach to turn out your light at night and for a flash of a second,
You are unprotected.
Your blankets can not wrap themselves around you to keep your safe,
And you have no earthly way of knowing, -
Seeing you
I don't want to see you every day.
I like it better when you unexpectedly appear in places when I just happen to be there.
When you shout my name across a patio,
Not ashamed to be knowing little ol' freshman me.