Trash to Some is Treasure to Many

We’ve all heard the classic saying “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” but what makes something trash or treasure? What makes someone categorize it as trash? Is it because it's “useless” or maybe it’s because it's worn out? Does it not fit anymore or because the newness wore off? It’s not your style or it was a bad gift. It’s old and worn and a different color than it was when it was new. Spring cleaning is here, it's been collecting dust and it's time for a refresh. 
What about treasure? Maybe because it's shiny or the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? It’s something new to you. It’s a perfect fit or the best color? It may look loved or fresh out of the box, a new adventure. 
What makes you keep something? It’s not because of how nice it is or how many compliments you’ve gotten on it, it’s usually about you; about your friends, family, and memories. You keep something because it reminds you of the good times or the strength it gave you through the bad. Trash to some, treasure to many.




19 years old

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