


20 years old


  • Revelation

    During the last two days, I was making a slideshow of pictures for my dad’s birthday present.  It was about six minutes long and had music in the background.  I have a very large family, so we are never all together or in the same place.&nb
  • I am the one who...

    I am the person who acts cool with it and honestly is.  I like to show that I don't care about the little things that nag everybody.  Imagine how much time you free up when you let all the small issues go.  I use my time to t
  • Happy Winter

    Happy Winter

    Winter is actually my favorite season,
    I love the snow more than I hate the cold,
    Shaking trees full of snow while standing under them,
    Rolling down a hill, trying to get covered in snow and look like a snowman,