A letter to the grown ups

It's not all the grown ups,

But it's too many.

Nothing is how it should be

The world is heating 

The government collapsing 

Yet we,

We are only overreacting

Nothing is the same as it was

We aren't stupid,

And we weren't born yesterday

We are young

But we are not babies.

Everything we do

Is too much

Or not enough

Why are we never enough?

Maybe it’s just the age

But if that were true,

Haven't you been here too?

Because you don't seem to understand 

And all you can say is that it's "those damn phones"

And if it is, whose fault is that?

Because we didn't come out of the womb with a phone addiction 

It is not our fault

This world is not our fault

But it is somehow our responsibility 

And we will fight 

We will fight as hard as we can

And we will try

But we are still only kids

We are not babies 

But we are still kids

I know that you’re worried about us

But we are too

We are too young to worry about more than our crushes and our math test

But we do anyway

We have to

Our childhood ended a long time ago

We watched people die,

Saw trucks of dead bodies in the news

We weren’t allowed to go outside in some of the most developmental years of our life

Yet we are lazy.

We didn’t choose this world 

Yet we must hold it on our shoulders 

In school, we must work hard

They assign so much homework yet when we are relaxing we are lazy

We are not lazy.

We are burnt out

And stressed

And scared 

And we will get through these years,

But maybe we won’t change in your eyes

Maybe we will be frozen in time

Or maybe we will grow up,

And you will realize that even back then, we were trying 

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS – Teenager: In Writing.



15 years old

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