
Comment Commented on Posted

Honestly so true. They're all so nostalgic. 

Tiny Write by DotToDot, February 14 2024 7 months ago

I'd try to split up the project into sections and assign deadlines to those. So like have scenes 1-5 done by a certain time and then scenes 5-9 done by a second date. Also this sounds like a cool project!

Tiny Write by OverTheRainbow, February 7 2024 7 months ago

Geri, those two words perfectly describe Reuben – genuine and kind. I know Reuben loved working with you!

Remembering Reuben 7 months ago

ooo thanks!!

Tiny Write by written.aura, February 14 2024 7 months ago

To All the Boys I've Loved Before is a great series.

Tiny Write by written.aura, February 14 2024 7 months ago

Rueben was always so genuine and kind. I wrote some of my best writing during his workshops. I always felt like he was interested in what I and other writers had to say. 

Remembering Reuben 7 months ago

Thanks! I know, it's so crazy!

Lying on Ice 8 months ago

This almost doesn't look real! Like you cut two pieces out of a magazine and pasted them together, collage style. So cool to see such a sharp separation, and representation of two seasons!

The Groundhog Was Right! 8 months ago

Wicked! Thanks for explaining how this was taken, I was about to ask! I wonder how they are formed...

Lying on Ice 8 months ago

This poem is the sweetest. The title is captivating, and showing this character in opposition to it caught me off-guard, in the best way. The line that catches me the most is, "With charm, he uses force": what a clever way to describe manipulation. I hope you know this kind person in real life, and that you are speaking from experience with him!

A Boy And His Fists 8 months ago