Who I want to be

“Stop being a nerd”

“You’re the smartest kid in the grade”

“You’re a child prodigy”

“You’re an academic weapon”



Maybe I am.


My grades

or winning a kahoot





I get to decide


I am.

I am a cellist.

I am a good friend.

I am good sister and a good daughter.

I love to cook.

I love to be outside.

I’m learning to sew. 

I am my hopes and dreams.

I am who I want to be




13 years old

More by HappyGiraffe123

  • Him

    He doesn’t look at me
    Like I look at him
    I know exactly what he does at recess
    Where he eats lunch
    His middle name
    I know what books he likes
    What video games
    I’ve slept in the same room with him

  • Treadmill

    Sometimes I feel like I am running on a treadmill towards a big shiny sign that says “Relaxation.” Surronding the big shiny words are lots of other words.

  • Too much

    I am 13

    I am in 7th grade.

    I like school. Most of the time.

    I am quite good at school.

    I'm in all the advanced classes offered. 3 years ahead in Math, 3 years ahead in my English vocab, and on the hardest History track.