Weekly Challenges

All you have to do is answer this one question: Why? [Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash]
Weekly Challenges
All you have to do is answer this one question: Why? [Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash]
Why does the wind blow on my face?
Why is sand soft, why is rock hard?
Why is fire hot, ice cold, and dirt brown?
But why not?
Why would the wind not blow?
"Oh, what did you say, child? Why?"
"Yes, why? Why do we live? Why do we exist? Why?"
"I think it's a lot simpler than you might believe, child. Just look at the flowers."
Life is made of the unanswerables
Because they are everywhere
Because everything we know has a root cause
And every root cause has another
Until there is no cause,
There just is
"Why do we exist?"
Nobody can accept this answer
absolutely nobody
no matter how many times I tell them.
They will argue that
Well, why not answer “Why?”
The word why could have many answers, like:
it's not the question
it's the answer
we exist as people of persons
a division of something refined
without each other, the pieces never meet
they never get put back together
Why does one love?
Why doesn’t one “love”?
Why do things happen, why do things not happen? Why do good things happen, Why do bad things happen? Those are some of the biggest questions ever asked. There never will be a good answer but we all are doing our best to figure out.
why are we destroying our one and only planet, our mother earth, our bluish-green marble that has kept us alive for millennia, our one and only home?
the question on my mind
why me?
crying here unable to sleep again
when all i do is try my best
why me?
numbers all a jumbled mess
when all i do is practice again and again
why me?