


14 years old


  • WHY

    Why do things happen, why do things not happen? Why do good things happen, Why do bad things happen? Those are some of the biggest questions ever asked. There never will be a good answer but we all are doing our best to figure out.

  • Haiku

    Thetford Academy

    7th grade

    Peter Horan


    The autumn breeze blows

    The sun sets beneath the hills

    Two roosters crowing

  • Recent big-foot sightings

    Recently hikers on the Appalachian Trail have been seeing an unidentified creature. They say it's too big to be a bear, but the problem is there isn't anything bigger than a bear in the area.

  • Recent big-foot sightings

    recently hikers on the appalachion trail have been seeing an unidentified creature. they say it's too big to be a bear but, the problem is there isn't anything bigger than a bear in the area.


  • Recent big-foot sightings

    Recently hikers on the Appalachian Trail have been seeing an unidentified creature. They say it's too big to be a bear, but the problem is there isn't anything bigger than a bear in the area.