


14 years old



  • Reality

    I write too much of things that aren't real. The imagined fear and pain of living a life I haven't got.

    This life I have, this life is real, and I am on the precipice of demise. 

  • Quilted

    She looks like her mother

    but takes after her father

    in speed of temper and wit

    she has eyes like her father

    but takes after her mother

    in grace and denial of pain.


  • The Old Bench

    She runs down the path to the lake by her old school. 

    Every day she comes there, for one reason. 

    To see something. 

    A stands by the lake. 

    Serene and frail. 


  • him

    I did not fall in love with his face

    I fell in love with his words

    the way he smiled

    the way he cared

    the way he knew exactly how I was feeling before I said a word