pensées sur le chou-fleur

cut the cauliflower, as they cut you

wash the cauliflower, when you wash away your sorrow

sprinkle pepper

sprinkle salt 

sprinkle cheese

sprinkle love & home, until it's enough

mix & mingle, as you'll do forever, 

even when you don't feel like mixing and mingling 

pour olive oil, it adds flavor

what's life, if it has no taste? 

let it simmer in the oven, 

taste it — is it enough?


//Note: The title came from Google Translate, which says it translates to Cauliflower Thoughts, I felt like food names always look and sound more aesthetically pleasing if it's in French, so correct me if the translation is wrong. Thanks! 

Posted in response to the challenge Recipe.



14 years old

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