a letter to congress

i will kneel on broken glass as

my blood stains the pearly sheen so that

you will see i've resorted to my last option: begging

before you (as a woman should be) to rip

the cloth around your eyes away and

see the world for what it is

                                what we've become

the path we've been set on by one man

whose power and authority is said to 

rule over all under our flag:

white stripes for the real men of our nation

red stripes from my knees from pleading too long.

you were elected to serve your people

                                       not your God

                                      not your ideologies 

                                             your people

who are struggling with inflation and the cost of tariffs

who are worried about their medicare

who are fearful of sending their children to school;

they put their trust in you and

you abuse it every time he opens his mouth

and your backbone withers and dies. 

i will kneel on broken glass as 

my blood stains your beloved flag; i would happily 

bleed out if it means you finally understand

the exact cost silence will give you. 

Posted in response to the challenge Democracy & Ethics – Writing.



16 years old

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