


14 years old


  • Falling sky

    falling sky, slowly, piece by piece

    I've forgotten how to move, to breathe

    all the truth I've ever known begins to cease

    as I watch my world fall apart


    time is ticking, while holding still



    Big words jumping out at you from creased paper, casually thrown on the counter, demanding attention 

    Meaningless opinions coated in fallacies

  • Butterfly


    dew drips from a leaf

    a leaf that a little caterpillar walks on

    it will soon be transformed

    into a majestic pollinator

    its climbs to a branch on a small tree

  • you in my mind

    When I clear my mind 

    I just push you down deeper

    into my core

    until I just can't tell the difference

    between thinking you and feeling you

    now you have become part of me

    and I'm tired of falling

  • Belle

    I lived in a world where outer beauty is the only kind that people see. I’d rather observe it from a rocking chair at the library back home, bearing down on an incredibly scripted work of art.


  • Emojis

    I scroll through the options

    Endless rows

    And rows

    And rows

    Of smileys

    And animals

    And faces

    And people

    And things.

    I scroll through the multicolored hearts

    The laughing faces

  • Hello Fall

    Hello Fall, 

    I see you outside my window, 

    I pass you every day on our road. 

    Do you know what secret life holds? 


    Hello Fall, 

    What happens when it starts to snow? 

  • Do You Still ...?

    Do you still find comfort 
    In the way the leaves change 
    Green to orange to red to green again?  
    Do your clothes still smell like apples and spices?  
    Do you still drink cider