Once, we met.
My hair was up, and the world was coated with snow,
and you
talked to me with wide blue eyes
and a slippery smile, easy to fall into.
Once, I heard you under the soft strings of a lullaby,
and I knew he was gone, no longer
digging his knives of indifference into my chest, no longer
spurring lovelorn dreams and longing poetry.
Instead there was you,
flesh and blood and warmth,
asking me questions, giving me
compliments I'd later cling to.
I had three days
to sit under your fleeting glow,
until the lights went down and my questions
I still see you, almost every day, but only
for the half moment before the hallway masses
carry us each our own way, only enough time
to tell you hi and hear your laugh
as you say my name.
I think we have the same mind sometimes,
even though I don't really know you,
only what I've read and heard and scoured
the Internet for.
I wonder if I'd like you
if I got to know you, if you'd haunt my dreams
the same way. I think so.
I want to talk to you
for long, sunlit hours
in a field somewhere, each moment turning to
memory, and feel all that once existed changing
shifting, morphing
in the air between us. I want to know love
as it sinks in between my teeth and pools in my skin,
and I want you to teach me.
But for now, I'll scavenge
for your eyes around every corner, waiting
for something I'm not sure will come.
I love this so much! The description and word choice is absolutely lovely! Great job :)
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