


14 years old


  • one person

    there's always one person
    one person who you look up to
    one person who you know nothing about,
    but wish that you did
    one person that glows so consistently
    it seems as if they have the perfect life
    the perfect body
  • musically talking

    "music heals the soul"
    is what they all say
    but is it the music that heals us?
    or is it the meaning of each word spoken in a song
    or possibly the deep breaths in between words
    without the music, it's just talking
  • More than just three words

    in my eyes,
    love is an art
    it takes passion and care
    and it's delicate
    when you really love someone,
    it is unexplainable.
    you feel crazy without them
    they are your world
    i've always taken caution when someone says 
  • The Extinction Project

    The Willow Project is a multi-billion dollar oil drilling project in Alaska.
    The federal government plans to release 629 million barrels of oil and produce 287 million metric tons of CO2.
  • perfectly green

    i don't understand why people say sadness is the color blue
    and happiness is yellow
    and disgust is green
    just like red is anger
    and pink is love
    how purple is fear
    for me, green is happiness
    and i find comfort in blue
  • By amimi

    my mother

    my mother is the strongest person i know
    the way her hair falls carelessly over her shoulder
    yet it still looks soft as silk
    the way she works in such a manner
    and how she keeps her cool when overwhelmed