my mother

my mother is the strongest person i know
the way her hair falls carelessly over her shoulder
yet it still looks soft as silk
the way she works in such a manner
and how she keeps her cool when overwhelmed
her perfect teeth and her wide smile 
with a laugh so loud and joyful it easily fills up the house
the room brightens when she walks in 
and she doesn't even have to try
she is a leader
she is beautiful
she is intelligent
her talents are endless and she has that touch that makes you feel beautiful
she always has an answer to everything
my mother is kind and understanding 
she has helped me through things without even knowing it 
i don't know where i would be without her
she looks in a mirror and sees just a woman
i look at her and i see a hero
​my hero 
my mother is the strongest person i know,
and i love her endlessly 



14 years old

More by amimi

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