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  • Wind

    the wind buffets my windows 

    great gusts gushing to greater heights 

    they keep me in my home by keeping me out of their home 

    but i'm fine with that 

    so i sit, cozy, wrapped in a blanket, 

  • Last Summer

    Last summer

    I tried to avoid school

    but also

    tried to get myself ready

    for the big class

    for the hard homework

    the stuff that never ended up

    being a problem.


    Last summer

  • After

    I can’t think about before or now, but after, 

    after all the moaning and groaning, 

    after all the cleaning, weeding, and mowing, 

    after we cook, grill, and bake, 

  • Delights

    Ross Gay, a famed poet and essayist whose works include Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude and Bringing The Shovel Down, is known for his essayettes of delights, compiled in The Book of Delights and The Book of More De