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  • Together

    Filled with the sweet rays of possibility, 

    I celebrate the place I've found in this sun speckled spot. 

    Alongside me 

    those I've tied my soul to, 

    unafraid, for once, of judgement. 

  • Acceptance before Change

    On September 2 of 2022, I packed three short sleeve shirts, two long sleeve shirts, and four pairs of pants into a backpack and left my house in Sharon, VT, for four months on an intensive expedition semester school: Kroka Expeditions’ L

  • A Villanelle

    The pool is open, did you not hear? 

    There’s a banner in town advertising it. 

    Summer hasn’t yet slipped from my fingertips. 


    I almost want to cry 

  • Intertwined

    When only the stars shine, 

    the winds’ whispered rhyme 

    echos across the land  

    as the sea longs for the moon. 

    The magnetic pull 

    weaves their fates together,