Main Character

Is the main character actually the main character?

In every story, there’s always a main character. The story revolves around this character, and follows the character as it journeys through worlds of terror, love, adventure, self-exploration— we could go on. The other characters have the job of relying on the main character’s decisions. They could be mentors that help the character or villains who threaten to destroy the character. But no matter what, both the plot and supporting characters play the same role in the story: to revolve around the main character.

But… are they actually the main character?

It’s hard to say. Every character has their own story. In books, we might be hearing the story from one character’s perspective, but some of the other characters might actually be going through twice as much as the main character is— you just don’t know it. Every story is important and worth being heard. Every character develops throughout the story, has their own plotline, and faces their own obstacles. Which makes me think: a main character might be the main character of a specific story, but one story has so much more than just a main character.



13 years old

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