What a scary word!
"I'm gay."
"He/She/They are gay"
"My child is gay."
"I know someone who is gay."
Why is that so scary?
Does it offend you to know there are people who like the same sex?
Who like people?
Who like no one?

No. They're not broken. 
No. They're not confused.
No. They're not looking for attention.
And NO! w\We are not sinners.

Being part of the LGBTQIA+ family means we stand for each other and love eachother no matter what.
Trans people are real people. 
Gay people are gay. 
Anyone and Everyone who idetifies as being in the LGBTQIA+ community is part of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

If a trans Male marries a man that doesnt mean hes straight. He's gay.
If someone likes the same sex or a sex that doesnt mean theyre confused. Or its a phase. They're Gay.
If your child, friend, family member, or random person, comes out too you as gay, that doesnt mean they're "Different" and "They've Changed" they're the same. They're just gay.

Homosexuality exists in over 450 species. 
Homophobia is found in 1 species.

"Normal" Marriage and "Gay" Marriage are like Bakkini tops and Bras.
One is allowed in public and the other is not.
And yet they are the same thing.
Both are used for the same thing
and yet one is offensive to some people.

Same Sex Relationships.
Same Sex Relationships?

yeah. Gay. whats wrong with being Gay?
Absolutly nothing.
Never change. 



16 years old

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