A Cure:

November 16

Dear Diary, 
After countless months and staying up til late hours, I have finally found the cure!
It took almost 8 months,  2 weeks,  6 days,  18 hours, and 28 minutes. But who's counting!
What did I find you ask? The cure for boredom! 
It wasn't easy, like at all! I had to interview numerous other students here at Hogwards, but finally one student told me exactly what I needed to perfect my concoction. 
What did they say? They said that all I needed to perfect any and all potions is to add a little FUN, and not just the feeling (Even though that helped me out a lot!) but the bottled stuff that you can only get by squeezing it out of the big toes of young muggles between 5-13. 
Can you belive it?! A first year had the answer to the hardest thing in my life! As soon as the young first year said that, I immediatly ran to Gryffindor House and added it! 
I didn't believe it at first, but after I had my roommate try it, (I had to bribe them with fairy wings) they said they felt amazing, they no longer felt bored or like they had nothing to do with thier life! 
I FOUND THE CURE FOR BOREDOM! Can you belive it! I think I'm gonna start selling them in the dining hall pretty soon. I just want to do a few more tests before I risk everthing I worked so hard to find. 
I'm guessing you want to know what ingredients I used, but see here's the thing, if I tell you for all I know, you could go into the 2nd floor lavatory and try it for yourself and test it on Moaning Murtle herself! 
I can't trust you and I dont want to take that big of a risk!
I'm very sorry Diary but this is for the best.
The boredom curer



16 years old

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