I get my girlfriend roses

My heart flutters, 

My hands shake,

My mind is cluttered 

And my face breaks.


But you make it better

Little by little, bit by bit,

Any day with you I forget her 

Even in a dark room, with you, I'd sit.


You are my world,

And everything in it.

Not from a potion swirled

But by your own choice.


And I know the world doesn't rhyme,

And the sky isn't blue.

But with you I'd spend all my time,

And know my love is really true.


That is why I buy you roses

That is why I pay for things

You are all I have, and everyone knows

And when I am older, I hope to buy you rings.



15 years old

More by Bee.Lover

  • New girl

    A faint fog falls

    Over my tired eyes

    It's the same that covered them before

    Yet still a part of me dies


    Our gaze connects,

    For only just a moment 

    My heart skips a beat

  • Hey, stranger

    I catch glimpses of him in mirrors

    That strange boy

    He's so shy, but he's so loving 

    Yet most treat him like a toy


    He wanders the empty streets alone

    No one can see him

    He is there

  • Walking

    You called this my "sulk walk"

    You said just to talk to you when I'm upset

    But I don't have you anymore 

    I don't have anyone here


    I blocked her out so she won't get burned by my fire