
In seven months
I'll say goodbye
I'll take my last photo with you
And I'll frame it
So you can always keep 
The memories we've shared

I'll be wearing the same pants I wore
For the spring concert 
All those years ago 
The one you went to 
And congratulated me afterward 
Because you knew how hard life was then 

I'll be wearing the same shirt as I did 
For picture day 
In the seventh grade
Where you stopped me in the hallway 
To tell me about your year 

I'll have the same shoes 
That you help me find 
When they were thrown into the tree
By my former friends 

And I'll take that photo 
With the same camera I used to take the first 
Hidden away in my closet only willing to come out 
To capture these moments 
Because times like these will never last 

And in seven months and five years 
I'll see you again 
At my graduation 
Because you always keep your promise
And I'll take that photo with you again 
And frame it
So the memories can never fade away 



14 years old

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