More by IceGalaxy
teenager in america
i go to school these days & i'm scared i'll get shot
earbuds always in, trying to drown out my thoughts
fall to the ground, let it all float away
look me in the eyes & i'll believe every lie you say
Parenting Lessons
always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger
never have your wallet visible
don't listen to music in public
everyone's a stranger
you're our child; don't scare us.
you're on your own, kid
i always have been, ever since the label of
"gifted" was mantled above my head in neon letters,
proudly displaying me to a world where
mediocrity was rejected &
This is so pretty!
This is awesome!
thank yall so much! this is my first time using digital art as a primary medium so I'm really thankful yall enjoyed it :)
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